মঙ্গলবার, ০৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪, ০৮:০৪

Michelle Obama had a very awkward moment

Michelle Obama had a very awkward moment



There’s a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that applies to the outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama as she was given a parting gift by new First Lady Melania Trump.

Following tradition, a very graceful Melania brought along a gift inside a Tiffany & Co. box for Michelle.

As Melania and Donald walked up the steps of the White House, a gloved Melania carried the box and was quick to present it to Michelle .

ABC With a hand outstretched, a warm Michelle ignored a handshake and went straight in for an embrace and a kiss on the cheeks.

That’s a present for you, a smiling Melania told Michelle, who awkwardly took the box and quickly turned for someone to take it from her so they can have their photo altogether on the White House steps.

Her face said it all as she decided what to do with it.

ABC Michelle Obama is not impressed by Melania Trump’s gift giving ability, one Twitter user noted.

While another added: Soon to be ex-First Lady. Parting gift. Yeah, she’s not pleased.

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