শুক্রবার, ০৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৪:০৫

Youngest Brit Suicide Bomber Groomed On Web

Youngest Brit Suicide Bomber Groomed On Web




The family of a British teenager who is believed to have carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq have criticised the “cowardly” Islamic State recruiters who enocuraged him to travel abroad.

Talha Asmal’s death has not been officially confirmed, but he is thought to have become Britain’s youngest suicide bomber when he blew up a vehicle fitted with explosives in the northern city of Baiji.

Relatives said photographs of a youth purportedly named Abu Yusuf Al Britany appeared to show their 17-year-old son.

The images shared on social media sites show a young man with a beard stood next to a black SUV and sitting in the front seat with one finger raised in the air.

IS reportedly claimed seven suicide bombings in Baiji, one by a Briton and the others by a German, two Dagestanis, a Kuwaiti, a Palestinian, and a Turkistani.

Asmal left his home in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, in March to allegedly join IS along with his friend Hassan Munshi, who was also 17.

His family described him as “loving, kind, caring and affable”.

They added: “He never harboured any ill will against anybody nor did he ever exhibit any violent, extreme or radical views of any kind.”

They said despite him never exhibiting any extreme or radical views, he had been exploited by extremists on the internet “in a process of deliberate and calculated grooming of him”.

Without their knowledge and against their will, they said, he travelled to Iraq via Turkey and fell under the spell of IS handlers who are “too cowardly to do their own dirty work”.

“We are all, naturally, utterly devastated and heartbroken by the unspeakable tragedy that now appears to have befallen us,” they said.

“We need time and understanding to come to terms with our unimaginable and painful loss.”

The family said he came “from a close-knit, hard-working, peace-loving and law-abiding British Muslim family” who unreservedly “condemns and abhors all acts of violence wherever perpetrated”.

“As a family we would like to take this opportunity to unequivocally state that ‘ISIS’ are not Islam,” they said.

“They do not represent in any way, shape or form Islam and Muslims and we are no longer prepared to allow a barbaric group like ‘Isis’ to hijack our faith.”

The family also urged other people who had concerns about their relatives being exploited in a similar way to contact the police.

West Yorkshire Police said they were unable to confirm the identity of the person who had died but were continuing to support families who have loved ones that are believed to have travelled to Iraq and Syria.

Hundreds of Britons are thought to have gone there to fight for IS and other jihadist groups.

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