Anger as 26 Romanian migrants found crammed into house after noise and rubbish complaints FOUR families of Romanians have been found crammed into a three-bedroom house in London.
Four families were discovered in the three-bedroom flat by the council.
Council staff discovered the 26 Romanians, including a toddler, in the home near the Olympic Stadium following a raid by staff.
The enforcement visited the east London property on Friday after neighbours complained of loud music, pests and garden rubbish.
Officers discovered seven people sleeping in a windowless basement which had blocked up air vents, with the other 19 sleeping in three “very overcrowded” bedrooms.
Those living in the basement were being charged just £20 a month while the families staying in the bedrooms paying £180 monthly.
It is thought the landlord was taking in at least £2,340 each month in rent.
The average rent price in London have reached around £1,500 a month, according to rental agent HomeLet.
Sir Robin Wales, Newham Council leader, criticised the “Dickensian” conditions and labelled them as “unacceptable”.
He said: “Many criminal landlords have no qualms about packing five people to a room.
“Even though we played host to the Olympics in 2012, we still find our residents living in sheds in 2015.”
The landlord, who could now face prosecution, had been initially reprimanded in 2012 for breaching multiple occupancy rules for the same property.
The rules stated that he could only house one family of up to seven people.
Newham is home to one of Britain’s poorest areas and has one of the highest ethnic minority populations in the country.
In the last five years, the council has been forced to distribute dozens of enforcement notices to slum property owner.
It has also had to clear 42 sheds occupied by migrants in a period of a few months this year.
Last week, a group of Romanians set up camp in the a public garden opposite New Scotland Yard.