শুক্রবার, ০৮ নভেম্বর ২০২৪, ০৭:৪২

Unemployment rises again as experts admit the economy is out of control

Unemployment rises again as experts admit the economy is out of control



Let’s clarify the headline by explaining that the UK isn’t out of control like a car with no brakes; there simply isn’t any attempt to point it in the right direction.

Instead, so-called ‘experts’ are reduced to saying what they think the economy seemsto be doing, after unemployment unexpectedly increased for the second month running.

Here’s John Hawksworth, chief economist for tax-dodge gurus PriceWaterhouseCooper: “Overall the picture is one of a continuing economic recovery, led by private sector ser-vices. But the balance of growth between jobs and productivity seems to be shifting, which could be good news if it makes the upturn more sustainable.” [Italics mine]

Seems to be? Could be? He doesn’t know why. Nobody knows why.

This is what happens when you let laissez-faire free-market Tories take over your economy – they abdicate all responsibility and let anything happen. They are utterly irresponsible.

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